Friday 13 February 2015

Unit 8 assignment 1 Job roles

  • Angus Wall
  • Born March 15th 1967 
  • Won awards for editing films like, the social network and the girl with the dragon tattoo

What does the job include? 
Being an editor bringing together footage, audio, graphics etc to create the final product, selecting the best clips and putting them together like making a jigsaw. It also involves, working closely with the director to craft the finished film, working in an edit suite for long hours, running a team of assistants and trainees on big productions.

Who are they responsible for?
They usually work with a team of editors, Angus Wall is well known for editing with Kirk Baxter who also edited the social network and the girl with the dragon tattoo. The other editors are usually less experienced editors looking to work on bigger films and gain more experience. Assistant editors jobs involve running and maintaining editing systems, supporting the whole of the post production process on feature films and working closely with film labs, and with the camera and sound departments.

Who are they the boss of?
Editors in chief are in charge of all editorial staff, sound editors and assistant editors. They have to keep people interested and organised to get this done fast and to the best standard. They have to make sure that the assistant editors are doing their tasks to deadline and to a good standard. They have to make sure the sound editors have edited what they need to in time to put it all on the main edit.

How much does it pay? 
Between $30k and $80k but could possibly be more depending on the scale of the film and how much the production company wants to pay you.

What are the working times like?
Being an editor doesn't have set working ours because it depends on the amount of editing you need to do and how many projects you get in a year. They could end up working over night if they are trying to work to a tight deadline sometimes without pay etc. 

Some editor's jobs do require qualifications but that could depend on who you are working for, you might just be employed based on your experience and reputation as an editor. Some people do take film production courses to further their knowledge and gain experience and also meet potential employers/clients that you could work with in the future.

Cinematographer/Director of Photography

  • Roger Deakins
  • Born May 24th 
  • Took part in films such as Skyfall and The shawshank redemption 

What does the job include?
This person is in charger of the whole look of the film, the photography, camera shots etc. They working heavily also with lighting. They have to provide a film with its unique visual identity, or look. They create the desired look using lighting, framing, camera movement, etc. They collaborate closely with the camera crew e.g. Camera Operator, 1st and 2nd Assistant Camera, Camera Trainee and Grips).

Who are they the boss of/responsible for? 
The camera operators and lighting technicians who have to take instruction from the cinematographer.

How much does it pay?
It pays around $50k plus.

What are the working times like? 
It can be a quite demanding job at times but sometimes if you don't have any projects on the go you might not be working a lot so the hours can vary but some can be long. 

You could take a degree in stills photography to gain a good, all-round understanding of composition and light. However, a drama, art or a film/media studies degree all provide a good grounding. But you still will have to work your way up if you don't have a lot of experience because Cinematographers need a lot of experience and a good built up reputation as well as qualifications.


  • Tim Burton
  • Born: August 25th 1958
  • Famous for alice in wonderland, edward scissor hands, nightmare before christmas etc.

What does the job include? 
A director is basically the boss who has the final word on everything, they create the look of the film, they create the things that films are most recognised for. They also have to carry out duties such as casting, script editing,shot selection and editing. They act as the crucial link between the production, technical and creative teams. They act as the crucial link between the production and technical teams.

Who are they responsible for/the boss of? 
They are mainly responsible for everything creative wise. They are also in charge of pretty much everyone a long side the producer who they are almost on the same level as. Also the camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments. They are the person who chooses the cast an crew to hire, which puts them in charge of everyone by overseeing what they are doing, especially with editors because they are essentially in charge of the final product and the director has to guide them so the final film will look exactly how they want it to.

What is the pay like? 
Depending on how big the film is and how well known the director is their pay could be millions, but sometimes thousands if you're not that well known. 

What are the working times like? 
Hours vary but can be quite long for directors as they have to oversee everything and have a quite demanding job.

You don’t need a formal qualification to become a Director. There is some training courses and reference books on directing. In reality, you can only be a successful director if you have lots of practical experience. Making your own screenplay, short films or even plays is a good way to get yourself known and build up a reputation for yourself. 


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