Wednesday 22 October 2014

Outline Structure for Proposal form

Presenter introduces the show and a brief summary of what is going to happen in that episode, such as what challenge comes first and when the VT will be shown.

First challenge gets under-way in the first segment. Contestants have to be blind folded and given a paper plate to put on their heads and then a separate bowl full of cotton wool. Contestants have to get as many cotton balls as they can onto the plate on their heads with a spoon whilst blind folded. The winner is the one with the most cotton balls and the one who manages to keep the plate on their heads.

Then the Second presenter introduces the VT of innuendo bingo and explains a little bit about what happened. Then the VT will roll.

Then the first presenter comes back on and the second challenge will then start, contestants will have to guess what is in a set of tin cans that they choose at random. The person with the most amount of guesses right and who eats the most cans wins.

Then we cut to the review section, where the second presenter first looks at popular YouTubers taking on the challenges and rating them and then cuts to the viewers challenges and rate them.

Next is the final challenge, which will be the contestants blind folded and they have to try and guess what item is being put in their mouths. When the challenge has finished and the the scores have been added up a winner will be announced and the leader board of the series is looked at and then the show is concluded.

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