Thursday 23 October 2014

Video Technology and Editing Techniques


  • High definition is a standard of television broadcasting which gives a sharper, more detailed picture also with surround sound. Only people with HD ready TV's can used this.
  • Ratios are numbers that tell you how the film was shot. For example, 4x3  means that for every unit of 1.33 you will need to go 1 high. So for ever 1.33 inches wide the shot is 1 inch tall. 4x3 is the standard full screen square TV size. 16x9 (1.78:1) is the standard size for HDTV programming.
  • XLR, line-level, mic-level and ADAT are all types of audio signals. They are different signal formats that various cables can handle.
  • RGB (Red, Green, Blue), component YUV, S-Video and Composite. These are the output of a video camera, DVD player, computer graphics card, etc..
  • Terrestrial TV is a type of TV broadcasting that uses radio signals for transmission and uses antennas and tuners for reception. It was turned off due to the start of a five year switch over to digital broadcasting.
  • Most set top boxes such as Sky and Virgin Media have built in recording systems. You can also buy recording boxes. 

  • Final Cut Pro - Final Cut Pro is a non-linear video editing software developed by Macromedia Inc. and later Apple Inc.
  • Sony Vegas Pro 13 - Sony Vegas Pro is a video editing software package for non-linear editing systems (NLE) originally published by Sonic Foundry, now owned and run by Sony Creative Software.
  • Adobe Premier Elements 12 - Adobe Premiere Elements is a video editing app published by Adobe Systems. It is a scaled-down version of the Adobe Premiere Pro and is tailored to novice editors and consumers
Sony vegas got the highest ratings so this one is the best out of the ones I have chosen.
Adobe was the second best, it only had one star less its ratings than Sony.
Final Cut Pro had the worst rating out of the three I chose but the rating still wasn't that bad.

  • HD is better because it gives a clearer picture, and sometimes sound. HD resolution is about 5 times the resolution of standard definition. It's sharper from using more pixels to make up the picture.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

UNIT 23/4 Assignment 2


  • TV show based on popular YouTube challenges and tags. Such as, chubby bunny, tin can challenge, cotton ball challenge etc.
  • Show will have a leader board ranking in the best to worst and at the end of the series will be an overall winner who has the most points. 
  • Points score from 1-3 with q point being award to the person who did the worst, 3 for who did the best and 2 for who was in the middle. 
  • VT's of a challenge not able to be done inside the studio which will be innuendo bingo. 
  • Another segment will be looking at famous YouTubers doing the challenges and sent in videos from viewers doing them too, with presenters rating them.

  • Would be teenagers male and female 15 - early 20s because most people who do these challenges are of that age range. Youtubers such as Zoella, PointlessBlog, Tyler Oakley and Miranda Sings are a few of many famous YouTubers who have partaken in said challenges.
  • Also people participating in the programme will be of the same demographic, as will the presenters.
  • I think that there's nothing like my idea on TV for this age range and I think that people would find it really entertaining because it has elements of Rude Tube with the segment of the viewers videos and YouTubers doing the challenges. And also it will appeal to YouTube and give them something to watch on TV that is like what's on the internet.
  • One problem I feel I would face making a show like this would be that I might not find people willing to do the challenges.
  • Another would be that people would have to get wet for innuendo bingo which could splash onto equipment and people might not want to get wet.
  • This show would be a hybrid of a game show / review show because of the review and ratings of the viewers and YouTubers challenges. 
  • The generic conventions of this kind of show would be that there are quite a few cast members, one or two presenters and around 3 to 5 contestants. It would also have ad lib jokes from the presenters, it would be exciting and fast pace to make the challenges more thrilling and entertaining. 
  • I will make it more creative by linking what happens on the internet to what happens on TV. I think that this will appeal to the audience because it's like having the internet and television all in one place.
  • The first section will have and introduction to the show and then the first challenge, and the scores being presented. Then will show the VT of innuendo bingo which will then lead to...
  • The second section of the second challenge and the scores being presented, and then the segment of the YouTubers and viewers challenges with the ratings after each one and a small comment. 
  • The third section will be the third and final challenge of the show, with the scores being presented. Then a review of the leader board of the series. 
  • I will need 2 presenters, 3 contestants for the challenges. One presenter will present the challenges, the other will present the pre recorded VT and the review of the YouTubers and viewers challenges.
  • I will need more than one camera operators and vision mixers to allow me to get different shots to focus on each contestant and also to get different angles and to keep the shots and angled varied when filming to be edited together straight away.
  • I will need the presenters to be confident, charismatic and comedic. The contestants need to be keen to get involved, fairly competitive and willing to do the challenges. 
  • My pre-recorded VT will be of a game filmed outside called innuendo bingo which will involve all three contestants.
  • It will fit in the show because it's different and will know as the outside challenge of the week on the show which will break it up from just showing three challenges.
I certify that this is my own work 

Outline Structure for Proposal form

Presenter introduces the show and a brief summary of what is going to happen in that episode, such as what challenge comes first and when the VT will be shown.

First challenge gets under-way in the first segment. Contestants have to be blind folded and given a paper plate to put on their heads and then a separate bowl full of cotton wool. Contestants have to get as many cotton balls as they can onto the plate on their heads with a spoon whilst blind folded. The winner is the one with the most cotton balls and the one who manages to keep the plate on their heads.

Then the Second presenter introduces the VT of innuendo bingo and explains a little bit about what happened. Then the VT will roll.

Then the first presenter comes back on and the second challenge will then start, contestants will have to guess what is in a set of tin cans that they choose at random. The person with the most amount of guesses right and who eats the most cans wins.

Then we cut to the review section, where the second presenter first looks at popular YouTubers taking on the challenges and rating them and then cuts to the viewers challenges and rate them.

Next is the final challenge, which will be the contestants blind folded and they have to try and guess what item is being put in their mouths. When the challenge has finished and the the scores have been added up a winner will be announced and the leader board of the series is looked at and then the show is concluded.

Friday 17 October 2014

Unit 33 Assignment 3


Unit 33 Assignment 3 Evaluation

Peer Assessment
  • Narrative told the story of the song well.
  • The character design was good because vicky was the age of the target audience.
  • Set was simple but suited the narrative
  • Could of been more sound.
  • Target audience was targeted well and would like the song. 
I set out to make the end part to a stop motion music video. I wanted to make my part highlight the self esteem issues young girls have because of the way the media portrays girls and their body image, which was inspired by the original video for the song and i think I showed this well. I think that the best part of my stop motion is the scene with the prop of the magazine because i made sure that when i made the magazine everything in it was relevant to the lyrics in the song for example
I got an image of a really skinny model and wrote the lyrics on it 'thinner is better'. I think that the weakest bit of my part was when she turns the TV on and the lighting changes quite noticeably.

The target audience for the music video is girls aged 13-25 because they are the age range who are mostly effected by the way body image is portrayed in the media and i think that we targeted them well with the narrative of the music video. 
I think that the sound of her sniffling is the most effective because it brings the doll to life a bit more. 


To get feedback for our stop motion we asked parents, potential students and teachers a set of questions on a college open day and recorded their answers. 

What were the common answers about the storyline? 
  • The most common answers about our storyline were that it was clear, it tied in well with the lyrics of the song and that it had a strong social message. One person said that it highlights the problem that girls face with body image and social stigmas regarding beauty pageants and what it means to be perfect.
  • I agree with these answers because I felt that we tried really hard to make everything tie in with the lyrics to the song. We also wanted it to have a strong social message because we wanted to highlight the issue of body image with young girls and I feel like we have done this quite well. 
What were the common answers about the character design? 
  • The common answers we got from our feedback about character design were that they were creative and they suited the narrative. They said that the barbie dolls fit in with the message about  body image because barbie dolls are seen as the 'perfect' girl and people aspire to look like them. 
  • I agree with them being suited to the narrative as we use barbie dolls and barbie dolls are often seen as the 'perfect' girl; small waist, long legs, long hair, big bum and big boobs and generally slim, tanned figures. Barbie dolls are often a big part of why young girls are insecure because they feel like they have to look like those kind of dolls. 
What were the common answers about the set?
  • The common answers about the set were that it was pretty, the doll house was appropriate because it was pink and girly and that it suited the song well. Some people said they liked the way we had made our own catwalk that was the right size for the doll and the way we had added extra characters as a crowd and judges which were smurfs. 
  • I do agree with the answers but i thought that we could of made it better, we could of added personal touches to the set to make it more relevant to the lyrics in the song. For example, we could of put some pageant trophies in the girls bedroom as she plays a pageant queen in the video, song and our stop motion. 
What were the common answers about what could be better?
  • The common answers about what could be better was that the lyric section of the music video was too long and needed to just be a part of the chorus. They thought that  it took up too much time and was a bit boring because it was just a girl holding up some cards with words on it wasn't colourful or interesting enough. 
  • Looking at the finished stop motion, I do think that the lyric part was a little bit too long but we couldn't tell this until we put it all together. I think we could've just taken the first section of the chorus and used that as the lyric section and did the second half of the chorus to focus more on the story of the music video.
What were the common answers about the target audience?
  • Every person that we asked about our target audience said that we targeted our target audience very well through the use of colours, props, set and the characters. They said the set was very girly and fit really well with the barbie dolls as characters and the song itself. They thought that using a young girl to hold up the lyrics was relative to the song and theme of the stop motion.
  • I do agree with this because most of what we used for the set was pink or had feminine elements. We also used Barbie dolls because they are toys that are made primarily for girls and also play a main part in the issue of body image with young girls.
The comments we received from our feedback were all positive with some improvements that needed to be made but they were only minor. The comments do show the success of our stop motion for example, when we asked if we had targeted our target audience well enough, everyone who we had asked said that we did this very well. One of the comments does show some of the flaws in our stop motion such as the sections showing the lyrics in our stop motion were too long and needed to be cut down which I agreed with. 


A similar stop motion to what we did would be the drive by lyric stop motion because we took inspiration from it to do the lyrics part from our stop motion. We made the lyrics in the stop motion in sync with the song like in a similar way to the drive by video. They are also both stop motion music videos.