Monday 30 June 2014

Unit 22 Assignment 1

A single camera production is any production that uses one camera to produce a whole production. Single camera productions are used because they save a lot of money on a low budget production, it also means there will be less crew members so less people to pay and it will be more convenient when shooting on location. You can also buy a better quality camera because you don't have to spend money on bigger crews and more cameras. Having only one camera can also boost performance from actors because because they only have to focus on that camera and they know when the camera is on themselves. An example of a single camera production would be the Netflix original series orange is the new black.
Despite being called single camera productions, sometimes more than one camera can be used in a single camera production. Multiple cameras are typically used for scenes that have a lot of action in such as explosions, crashes etc because they need to be seen from all angles. These are still different from a multi camera production because they use multiple cameras for all scenes.

Single camera productions come in many different formats, series, serial or one film from any genre. An example of a single camera production would be hit channel 4 sitcom The Inbetweeners. This behind the scenes clip shows how a single camera can be used in such a busy scene with so much to see but still work well.  Another example would be How I Met Your Mother which is an american sitcom shown on channel 4. This has jump cuts which are commonly used in single camera productions to go from shot to shots at different angles and points of views. How i met your mother jump cuts

All formats of productions work for single camera productions because it can make a product look a lot better. For example for a stand alone film, the film maker only has to work with one camera, which means when an actor needs to perform well it is easier for them because they only have one camera to focus on which could boost their performance.

There are a few types of narrative structures that single camera productions can use. Linear, where the narrative is straight forward and the story makes sense all the way through. Non linear which is when the narrative is more complicated to understand and can contain things such as flashbacks throughout the narrative to break the narrative up and then concludes with an ending that ties the narrative together.
Endings of narratives can go two different ways, open or closed. A closed ending is when the narrative has a a solution to the narrative crisis and we know the answers to all questions asked in the narrative. An open ending is when a story is left on a cliffhanger, the narrative isn't concluded and there are questions left unanswered. All narratives follow the three act structure. Which can be shown as a graph which has plot points that show where the inciting incidents happen. There is also the mid point of the narrative, climax, resolution and obstacles.

Film makers can also tell a narrative through technical codes, which is through cinematography and mise en scene and not dialogue. For example if you wanted to show how a character is of importance you could have the camera from a low angle looking up at the character as if the camera is someone inferior to the character. Or if you want to show the point of view of someone or something that is low down, looking upwards you would use a low angle shot.
This clip of Matilda shows how when she walks into the library (1:16-1:33) and goes up to the counter, it uses a low angle shot to show how small she is and highlight how young she is to go to a library on her own. 

Lighting can be low key and focused on a specific person or object to show that they are the focus point of the scene. Music is also another technical code used to tell a narrative. Suitable music with relevant lyrics can tell the audience what the story is about.

This scene from Batman is a great example of low key lighting (throughout). Low key lighting is used to create a mood, in this clip it creates fear because the joker can be quite a scary character. It also creates tension because you don't know what could happen next. 

Single camera productions are a very good way of showing a filmmakers ability to produce a good production. They allow you to be more independent with a smaller crew which could mean a better product in the end. It also allows you to be more flexible with shots because you don't have to worry about accidentally getting other cameras in a shot. When it comes to editing single camera productions make it so much easier to bring all your shots together because they are all of one camera. 

1 comment:

  1. Pass.
    Maddi there are some nice elements to this assignment for example your Inbetweeners behind the scenes clip helps highlight the point you make regarding why film makers use the single camera process. The shame is that you don't continue to use good examples for the rest of the assignment. A perfect opportunity would've been in the technical codes section. This kind of analysis is crying out for an example so that the reader can understand clearly. Make sure these are added to achieve merit.
