Monday 9 June 2014

Unit 22/24 Assignment 2

  • Amy Parker 
  • Henry Bailey
  • Tammy Lewis
  • Lois Wright
  • Kyle Bennett
  • Craig Taylor
Name: Amy Parker 
Age: 17
Relationships: Single, daughter of John Parker with no other siblings, mother died when she was 11. Father has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and Amy regularly has to look after him when he's drunk and get him washed and dressed. Because her dad drinks and takes drug they struggle for money and live in a tower block flat with only one bedroom. She gets the money for her clothes from her part time job in a cafe. 
Appearance: 5ft 6in, dyed brown hair, natural blonde, skinny petite body with long legs, green eyes and overall very pretty. Dresses smart and like she is from a wealthy strict family. 
Personality: She puts on a hard front because of her home life and past. Quite cocky and can be mean at times, doesn't make new friends easily as a result of this and she has trust issues. She acts like her life is perfect and doesn't tell anyone about her real home life and actually lies about where she lives and who her dad is.

Name: Henry Bailey
Age: 18
Relationships: Single, son of Sylvia and David Bailey. One sibling, younger sister 11 year old Harriet Bailey. Parents still together and happily married. 
Appearance: 5ft 9in, short dark brown curly hair and brown eyes, skinny and olive skinned. Dresses stereotypically geeky, quite cute looking. 
Personality: Quite intelligent, very loveable down to earth boy with good morals, people pleaser with a daft sense of humour but not very lucky romantically, girls always see him as a best friend and not boyfriend material. 

Name: Tammy Lewis 
Age: 18 
Relationships: Daughter of Paul Lewis and Stephen Lewis, adopted by them when she was 2. No adoptive siblings or biological siblings. Her biological parents were killed in a car accident when she was a baby. 
Appearance: 5ft 5in brown hair, brown eyes, slim, healthy figure. Dresses very sporty/tom boy like, doesn't were a lot of make up but naturally tanned. 
Personality: Ambitious, focused with a very optimistic view on life. Open minded and loving. Aspiring footballer but has a strong passion for music. 

Name: Lois Wright 
Age: 18 
Relationships: Daughter of Sally Wright and Michael Wright, parents divorced since she was 15. Younger sister Katie Wright who is 14. Mother is single but her Dad has a girlfriend of two years, Tracy Allen who she doesn't get along with. 
Appearance: 5ft 2in, petite, mid length naturally brown hair, brown eyes. Dresses quite casual, slightly indie but nothing too out there. 
Personality: Very creative, quite an arty streak in her, passion for music and loves going to gigs and concerts. Very much a closed book, keeps her cards close to her chest, can be quite mysterious at times.

Name: Kyle Bennett
Age: 17 
Relationships: Son of Amanda and Chris Bennett who are still married and have two other sons, Adam who is 12 and Toby 5. Has a girlfriend, Chloe who is 16 and has been with him for a year.
Appearance: 6ft, slim, very short black hair and hazel eyes. Dresses in jeans and shirts, polo shirts and sometimes tshirts from well known popular brands. 
Personality: Fancies himself, bit of a ladies man because a lot of girls find him charming. Funny, all about his friends and having a good time, a stereo typical lads lad. 

Name: Craig Taylor 
Age: 18 
Relationships: Son of Carroll Taylor, dad died when he was a baby. Little sister called Sophie who is 7. Very close relationship with both of them. 
Appearance: 5ft 8in skin head, slim build. Typically wears tracksuits, jogging bottoms, trainers, hoodies etc. 

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