Sunday 7 December 2014

Production Diary

5th december

  • Started mind map. 
  • Began to look at fonts and colours i could use for logo. 
  • Started to look at 4music and VIVA idents for inspration and to see how they incorparated their logo into their idents. 
  • Research what the target audience are interested in.
6th december
  • Continued on with mind map.
  • Don't know whether to film my own footage or use found footage and tweek it, putting in effects and background music and add logo. 
7th december
  • decided to film my own footage
  • finished design ideas and preproduction. 
  • Decided to make my ident idea for a music chart countdown. 
9th december
  • Started to do logo for the ident in photoshop by changing the colours of the ITV logo.
  • Couldn't decide what exact colours i wanted but I knew I wanted colours that were girly, and similar to lipstick type colour. 
10th december
  • Couldn't find the original font I planned to use for the word music so now have to find a new font.
  • Finished Logo design but still looking for a font for the music part of the logo. 

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