Sunday 7 December 2014

Production Diary

5th december

  • Started mind map. 
  • Began to look at fonts and colours i could use for logo. 
  • Started to look at 4music and VIVA idents for inspration and to see how they incorparated their logo into their idents. 
  • Research what the target audience are interested in.
6th december
  • Continued on with mind map.
  • Don't know whether to film my own footage or use found footage and tweek it, putting in effects and background music and add logo. 
7th december
  • decided to film my own footage
  • finished design ideas and preproduction. 
  • Decided to make my ident idea for a music chart countdown. 
9th december
  • Started to do logo for the ident in photoshop by changing the colours of the ITV logo.
  • Couldn't decide what exact colours i wanted but I knew I wanted colours that were girly, and similar to lipstick type colour. 
10th december
  • Couldn't find the original font I planned to use for the word music so now have to find a new font.
  • Finished Logo design but still looking for a font for the music part of the logo. 

UNIT 32 Assignment 2

  • 16-25 year olds like socialising on the weekends, going to clubs and parties. They also enjoy using social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. People of this age bracket watch a lot of television, particularly music channels, reality shows and comedies. Going to festivals and gigs is also seen as a part of young adult culture as music is most popular to this age bracket. Gaming would also be another interest that people of this age bracket like to do in their spare time. Gaming is more popular with boys than girls of this age. A lot of restaurants such as Nandos, Frankie and Benny's and T.G.I Friday's are popular with this age bracket because they are affordable places for students to eat out. Fashion is also a massive part of 16-25 year olds culture.

Idents on other channels:

  • 4 music - Target audience of 16 - 34 year olds - Their idents always use the colour of their logo (pink) which is clear in this ident. Suagbabes in the ident to represent the kind of music shown on their chart countdown shows. This ident was aired in 2009 which is when the sugababes were current and popular. Placed parts of the logo around the set of the ident so we know that it's a 4music ident. Also to add more colour and give a party vibe to show that this channels music is good to play at parties. 
  • VIVA - Target audience 16+, young adults - Bright, eye catching and colourful. Simple using just the logo against a yellow/green background. Movement of the letters in time with the beat is effective and makes it more interesting. The font of the words 'up your' looks like it has been spray painted on which would appeal to the target audience of young people. Soundtrack to the ident relevent to the music the channel shows, pop and r&b.

  • ITV's brand identity is human emotion. They asked around 6000 viewers a series of questions such as what makes them happy / sad / embarrassed and incorporated these answers into their idents. They have the logo opening out at the start to encapsulate the emotion of the scene in the ident and show that ITV brings these emotions in their programmes. Target audience of 16+, all the way up to pensioners.

Music chart countdown ident 
  • Colours - Bright, exciting and attention grabbing - more girly colours, pinks, yellows, purples, reds etc.
  • Girl dancing around in her bedroom to music, singing into a hair brush.
  • Getting ready to go on a night out as if the girl is listening to the music countdown whilst she gets ready.
  • All filmed footage with logo appearing throughout and then the word music towards the end of the ident
  • Song playing in the background
Reality show ident
  • Over the top, outragous colours - Neon pinks, gold, animal print patterns.
  • Women shopping in designer store
  • Stereo typical wag and rich socialite. In the style of real housewives of new york etc. but dramatised and stereotypical.
  • All filmed footage with logo appearing throughout and then the word music towards the end of the ident
  • Fancy by Iggy Azalea on in the background. 

Music Documentary ident
  • Darker colours, with some bright ones - darker colours showing the serious side to the music documentary. Bright colours to highlight the positive elements. 
  • Found footage of celebrities home videos from when they were a kid, singing as a kid and general before they were famous photos and videos. These are the kind of things you would expect to see in a documentary about a music star.
  • Different footages of different music stars.
  • Logo appearing throughout and then the word music towards the end of the ident.




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