Sunday 18 May 2014

Unit 22/24 Assignment 2

Act 1
We are introduced briefly to the six main characters as they start off their first day at college, we begin to see their costumes and get an idea of the kind of people they are. We then see them sat in a class room together as total strangers with a teacher and we find out that they are transfers to the college and they are getting their time tables. They then leave the class room and head off to their lessons.
We then see the first of the characters Amy in her fashion class, Henry in a science class, Tammy outside playing football, Lois in an media studies class, Kyle in an English class, and Craig in a public services class.

Act 2
It comes to lunch time and they all have an extra couple of ours free after lunch before there next lesson. We see them wondering round looking lost, trying to find out where there next classes are and we see that the corridors are starting to empty as people head to lessons. The weather has been bad all day but it starts getting worse as the day goes on and a storm hits the college, thunder and lightening comes and physically starts to shake the college and they all fall to the ground and suddenly everything stops. It appears that they are all okay and unharmed, we then see Henry run into a classroom to check if anyone was hurt and he bursts into a maths lesson and they are acting like nothing has happened so he leaves all confused, heads outside and its all sunny and normal. He finds Tammy outside who seems to be all shaken up and then they discover that they both along with the other 4 main characters experienced this storm. A few days pass and they decide to meet up and try and work out why they felt this storm and nobody else did. They meet up in the coffee shop area of the college and its empty because everybody is in class. They experience another storm but this time they find that everybody in the college has vanished. They wonder round the empty buildings looking for anyone who might be around. Lois heads in to some girls toilets and finds a girl in there who is crying, she opens the toilet door and the girl isn't crying anymore and then the girl gets up and tries to attack Lois. She runs out into the corridor to find everyone else has met back at the coffee shop area after finding nobody. They then start to panic as all these people start to appear, zombie like and trying to attack them.

Act 3
They manage to take shelter in the sports hall and make a plan to fight them. Henry decides to act as leader because he was the first one to experience the storms. They leave the sports hall to find themselves way out of their depth as there are too many people trying to attack. One by one they all get killed apart from Henry who manages to hide and then it fades to black. It skips back to him stood outside confused, he see's Tammy again but she is fine and playing football. Then it cuts to Henry's face and then ends.

1 comment:

  1. inciting incident is the storm and that should be in act 1
    plot point1/; where something significant
    climax: act 3
