Monday 16 September 2013

Sound Unit 38 Lesson 1 Outcome

Who does what? 
  • Sound recordist - holds the boom pole, recording the clean audio 
  • Sound mixer - person who does post production 
  • Foley artist - someone who creates sound in a studio/represents sound in production. They create realistic sounds in a studio so if the sound designer wants to make sounds more prominent or put more sound in for emphasis they would go to the foley artist who would produce the sounds.
  • Composer /Score writer - come up with and creates music
  • Sound designer - decides which songs need recording, designs entire sound for film production 

What do we record?
  • Dialogue - Speech coming from individuals or groups of people.
  • Ambient/Atmosphere - Animate, Inanimate could be a wildtrack, a lavier mic or any other omni directional mic because they pick up all sound.
  • SFX (Sound FX) - Foley, Real world. The sound FX can be foley sounds from a studio or real life sounds that are added on to make sounds bolder.

Sound for video
  • Sync Sound - MUST be in sync to make sense, such as a person talking or popping a balloon. The pop of the balloon needs to be in sync with the action of the balloon being popped just like a persons voice needs to be in sync with their mouths moving.
  • Non Sync Sound - doesn't have to be in sync to make sense such as a bus going down a road. the sound the bus makes doesn't have to be perfectly in sync with it moving. 
  • Mix - Balanced sound 
  • Wildtrack - Recording of ambient sound

Recording Environment
  • Recording somewhere like next to a motorway isn't a good recording environment. This is because its background noise that is too loud or not suitable for what is actually being recorded.
  •  Must have the right equipment for the right environment. If you need to record a wildtrack, an omni-directional mic is the correct mic to use as they records everything around it.

  • Shotgun Mic - Directional/Cardioid
  • Omni - Directional Mic - Picks up sound from everywhere, for recording a wildtrack.
  • Lavier Mic = Omni - Directional

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